Thursday 2 April 2009

Aabenraa Fjordskolen

Staying here in Haderslev on Erasmus program is not just only school, trips and having a fun, it's also getting new experience in profession which we will be work in for few ears. Me, Marlena and Marianna experience everyday during this 14 days of practice something new. It's big opportunity for us to see how Danish therapists work with handicap people, with special needs people. And I think it make us rich inside because we can compare it with our country, we can learn a lot but also we can show our ways of methods and treatment in Poland. I think it's very deep experience and really helpful.
Fjordskolen where we have practice is located in Aabenraa. It's divided in 3 departments:

Department A Fjordskolen --> This department has about 100 students with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), there are children witch Autism, Aspergers Syndrom a.o.
In this department work 1 psychologist, 1 occupational therapist and 1 physiotherapist. Some of the students also visit the after-school centre.

Department B Fjordskolen --> it's department for children witch multiple handicaps. There is 33 children at the moment. There is a big team of teachers, educators which work witch occupational therapist and physiotherapist.
Most of the children in department B is sitting in wheel chairs and need a lot of care with personal hygiene, eating, etc. Some of the children are fed trough a stomach tube. Many of them gets lifted from one place to another because they doesn't have ability to do it them self.
The children in this department deals with problems like spasticity, muscle contractions, lopsided back, etc.

Department C Fjordskolen --> there is about 125 students with different diagnosis like:
- general developmental disorders
- cerebral palsy
- muscles dystrophy
- spinal bifida
- speak and language disabilities
- epilepsy
- deaf and blind
- syndromes (Down-,Griscelli-,William's)

As you can see there is lots of children who need physiotherapists help.
The main task as a physiotherapist are: Training the children, adjusting aids and appliances, instructing the staff, collaborate with surgical appliance maker etc.
The treatment is done individually, in groups in the gym, in the hot water pool, in the outdoor surrounding of the school.

AIMS --> The occupational and psychotherapeutic intervention is education-related : aimed to improving the students ability to engage in teaching and other activities at school and promoting social inclusion.

Physiotherapy for children is primaly aimed at :
Body function and the possibility of movement trough participation in activities.
Body functions such as muscle strength, muscle endurance, stability, mobility, balance, coordination, strength. tonus and timing of movements and physical endurance.

This job is very necessary nowadays specially that every year is more and more handicap children which need schools and organisations which help them.

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